
Not ready to get started just yet? Need something extra to get you through until your appointment? Looking for some extra information?

Here are some resources to help you out!

  • New Module Without Title

    Living all out..

    …in spite of your limits.

    Functionalish is a blog and community that provides tools and resources to empower those with chronic pain and illness to embrace uncertainty and live all-out in spite of their limits. Join Lorie there for honest writing, all her favorite resources, and custom “spoonie” wear.

    Visit Functionalish

Some Articles for You

  • What the Heck Is the Enneagram?

    Love who you are in the world

    What the Heck Is the Enneagram?

    The Enneagram, for those of you who haven’t heard of it yet, is a centuries-old tool for self-awareness that accurately and clearly describes why you think, feel and behave in particular ways based upon...
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  • Four Lessons I Could Only Learn By Getting Sick

    Tag line for article

    Four Lessons I Could Only Learn By Getting Sick

    sdsdf asdfsdf asdf sdf asd df asd sdf asd fd asd dds sdfsdf d sdf sasd d
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  • What Is Spiritual Direction?

    Experiencing the Divine

    What Is Spiritual Direction?

    Through listening, discerning, asking insightful questions, and leading spiritual practices, a spiritual director becomes a wise companion on the journey who can help you...
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  • The Process of RE|formation

    How People Change

    The Process of RE|formation

    Such RE|formation begins, for some, with an inciting incident—something has rocked your world that has you asking fundamental questions, not certain of how or where to find the answers...
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  • Meet the Enneatypes

    What's Your Worldview?

    Meet the Enneatypes

    With a combination of healthy self-awareness and the constructive insight of those who know you well, you can begin to pick out patterns of thinking and behaving that characterize...
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  • Christ-Centered, Spirit-Led Transformation

    Renewed from the Inside Out

    Christ-Centered, Spirit-Led Transformation

    Ongoing transformation is not only the norm for the Christian—it is, arguably, the entire goal of the Christian life. So, how does God go about “reproducing his character in you?”
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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor E. Frankl