I’m definitely interested,

but I still have questions…

When you don’t know what you don’t know, you tend to hesitate. Find out all you need to know, right here. Don’t find out what you need? Contact me to find out more!

Start here if you want to learn more about ME

  • A little bit about me

    My Story

    I do what I do because I've been where you are. Learn more about my journey.
    My Story
  • My credentials

    My Experience

    What gives me the authority I do what I do? Learn about my professional background.
    My Experience
  • What I believe

    My Philosophy

    Understand where I'm working from and what I believe to be true about transformation.
    My Philosophy
  • Who I work with

    My Specialties

    The various types of issues and intentions I work best with and have the most experience with.
    My Specialties

Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being.

– Michael Hyatt

One of those people needs to know all the details about what you’re getting into? Want to make an informed decision?  Here are the most frequent questions people ask me:

  • How do I get started?

    You can get started by filling out the contact form online and indicating that you’d like to make an appointment. If you’d like to connect with me, first, before committing to an appointment, I’m available for 15 minute intro session in which you can ask questions, get to know me a little, and determine if we’re a good fit for one another. After you make an appointment, and before your first session, you’ll be given access to my online portal where you will complete all the needed paperwork online prior to us meeting together. This is an important step as it’s my first opportunity to learn about your history & background. (Disclaimer: Filling out an application is not a guarantee we'll work together.)
  • How often do we meet and for how long each time?

    Sessions are one on one and each session generally lasts approximately 60 minutes. As for how often we meet, well, the short answer is, it depends. For instance, Spiritual Direction usually takes place once a month or every other week. Coaching usually starts off as weekly in order to gain momentum, build resilience, and provide the support you need—but may move to once or twice a month as you near the end of the process. Enneagram coaching may be weekly or every other week depending on your willingness to do the homework and your capacity for getting it completed. And sometimes, for the sake of your budget, you may find you need to meet less frequently for a season in order to continue your progress. So, while weekly is typically the best timeframe, the long answer is this: it’s kind of up to you, and we’ll discuss that in our first appointment.
  • How many sessions will I need?

    This likewise depends on a number of factors, including what you’re currently going through, the type of support you need, what you want to achieve with your coaching or direction, and your life circumstances. Because coaching is about making sustainable changes, many coaches ask for a six to nine-month commitment from new clients. This is because most people come to a coach with a particular life-changing changing goal in mind, and in order to achieve this we need to create traction—and traction requires both consistency and a sense of immediacy. For some people, achieving the RE|formation they desire may take as little as 8-10 sessions and for others it will be more. It is a very personal decision based on your individual needs. You’ll also notice, when you read about my services, that some of the services I offer come in packages. But after the initial coaching agreement, many of my clients choose to continue the coaching relationship.
  • What if I want to end my coaching engagement?

    You may choose to terminate working with me at any time, although it is helpful to have a week’s notice in order to prepare a final session that focuses on review and closure. Ultimately, that decision is up to you. That being said, because my availability is limited, I do require 24-hour notice if you are cancelling an appointment. Repeated no-shows or last-minute cancellations will be billed to you at the full price of the service.
  • Do you meet with people online or in person?

    In most cases, I work with clients primarily through video app, meeting 60 minutes either weekly or twice a month. I love the video option—it allows us to work together with extraordinary flexibility and allows anyone to access coaching or spiritual direction from anywhere in the world. If you live in the Cbus area, however, and would like to meet in person, I see a small number of people at my home on the Northeast side of town, provided you’re vaccinated and we’re not “in the red,” as I have a compromised immune system.
  • Do I have to be in the same state?

    As both coaching and direction are separate services from counseling (which only allows you to see clients who reside within the state in which you’re licensed), with separate accrediting bodies, I am not limited by state when it comes to offering my services. If you have a smartphone or webcam and can get to internet access, we can work together toward your inner RE|formation, no matter where you live.
  • What about confidentiality?

    What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions, with three legal exceptions (as I am a mandated reporter), which we review within our first session. I fully understand the value of your trust, and take every precaution to safeguard it. I will provide you with a detailed description of the ethical codes I operate under and my responsibilities to you, as a client. This document not only places my standards before you in plain text, but also codifies my commitment to you, the client, and your progress. Because my professional background is in clinical counseling, I am well versed in the ways of HIPAA (though my services do not technically fall under HIPAA regulations) and strive to operate under what we consider to be “best case practice” when it comes to your private information.
  • Wait, you’re a counselor?

    Yes, my clinical training is in counseling and I maintain my license within the State of Ohio for emergency situations. To be clear, THE SERVICES I AM OFFERING ARE NOT PROFESSIONAL, CLINCIAL COUNSELING. There are distinctions between counseling and coaching, as well as between counseling and spiritual direction, and I maintain those distinctions. That being said, it may FEEL sometimes like what we are doing in therapeutic. That is because the nature of transformational coaching is that it brings together the best of multiple disciplines, psychology being but one of them. (This is also because there are things in this world that can be “therapeutic” without being “therapy.” Like, say, dark chocolate. Or Mexican food.) But I am not functioning under the role of a professional counselor and therefore cannot and will not do certain things frequently asked of counselors, such as provide a diagnosis or provide testimony for the court or fill out paperwork for disability.
  • How much do you charge?

    Coaching and spiritual direction costs about the same amount of money as seeing any health professional. Sessions prices are as low as $75 depending on the service and last approximately 60 minutes. This is typically paid out of pocket, as coaching is not covered by insurance. (Sometimes, however, people have been known to talk their employer into paying for their coaching or spiritual direction as part of their benefits.) I realize most people are not used to paying for services out of pocket—many people aren’t used to paying more than a copay. But I find that those who are willing to pay for their own services out of pocket find it a small price to pay for the life changing experience they desire. And wouldn’t you know it—when they have to pay for it themselves, they work harder, too, and get better results. And that’s a researched fact.
  • Why don’t you take insurance?

    As previously mentioned, unfortunately, for some, none of the services I provide are covered by insurance. However, clients have successfully negotiated with their employer to pay for coaching as part of employee continuing education/leadership training or, if in ministry, as a part of their staff benefits. Personally, even if you were able to use your insurance, I find the use of insurance to be detrimental for both you and myself. Let’s face it: insurance exists for the insurance companies to make money, therefore they look for any excuse they can find not to pay for your use of services. Insurance drives up my costs, which then drives up my fees. Insurance insists that I assign you a mental health diagnosis—a diagnosis which can have the potential to penalize you later in life. And insurance frequently requires pathologizing normal life experiences, often adding insult to injury. None of which are good for YOU. All of that to say this: Even if I were performing a service for which I could bill your health insurance company, such as professional counseling, I have made the professional choice that I would not, because I am deeply convinced, after 20 years in this field, that it is ultimately not in YOUR best interest to do so. I hope you will agree.
  • How does billing work?

    With the exception of Care Credit Payment Plans, all payment is due either before or at the time of service and will be billed automatically. Payment options include Venmo, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. You can pay online via my administrative site.
  • How many clients do you take?

    I take a very select amount of clients as I take working one on one very seriously. Because I have a chronic illness, I have a limited capacity, and I want to give people my best and still have something left over at the end of the day for the most important people in my life. This means I am often at capacity. I deal with this by keeping an up to date wait list.

 Let me help you create the RE|formation you desire.

Contact me